Yoga was one of the first changes I was able to make for myself even before I was able to get a diagnosis. There have been days that I am so gung-ho that I have done two practices a day. There have also been days that I try so hard to make it through a short practice but had to give up because I was crying in pain.
During my research into fibromyalgia yoga was something that came up over and over again. I think it’s a common understanding that yoga is good for fibromyalgia. This is because fibromyalgia is a debilitating paid disorder. The less you move, the less you are able to move. And strangely, when being active when living with fibro, you can’t over do it during a work out, or you will make it harder on yourself to keep active; it can also trigger a flare. Isn’t that crazy? Stay active if you want to be able to stay active, but not to active, or you won’t be able to move.
I think the reason that yoga is so highly recommended for fibro sufferers, is because it strengthens flexibility and is a slow moving activity. It’s also low/no impact. This is the perfect speed for fibromyalgia. For me this is a good way to practice self care. I love how strong it makes me feel; which is actually unusual for me because I lose mobility and strength quite often. I also how it makes my brain chill out on the anxiety. It’s just all around a good time, usually.
I highly encourage anyone who suffers from fibromyalgia (or anyone at all actually) to start practicing yoga. You don’t have to go to the gym, or be in a class full of people who have been doing yoga since birth. The way I practice is with YouTube on my smart tv. I find something that I feel like I need or am able to do that day. There are super easy ones for beginners, super low impact ones for chronic pain, and super advanced, hard, long ones if you’re a badass!
Now I’m going to go get on today’s practice! Namaste!