I’m going into the subject of astrology is the lightest way possible. I am in NO way an expert. I am a dabbler. I like to read mine if I ever come across it, but rarely seek it out. This is in no way meant to teach anything or even come from a place of knowledge. This is meant to be light hearted; I hope you take it as such. All of the information I have came from www.tarot.com.
I was born late in December, so that makes me the Earth sign Capricorn. Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac and the first sign of the winter season. It’s symbol is the Mountain Goat. (Which I don’t understand because the goat also has a mermaid tail. This is not an actual creature, nor does it make sense to me because in my mind Mountain Goats live in one environment and mermaids, another.) Capricorn is ruled by planet Saturn. The Roman god Saturn is said to rule space and time. So it is said that the planet Saturn represents rules and lessons. It also is supposed to represent karma. I have also heard that Capricorns are the “old” people of the astrological calendar.
Capricorn Celebrities:
David Bowie – January 8, 1947
Bradley Cooper – January 5, 1975
Betty White – January 17, 1922
John Legend – December 28, 1978
Elvis Presley – January 8, 1935
Positive Traits of a Capricorn:
Capricorns are said to be great leaders and are caring providers. They like to work hard, and are very protective of their loved ones. The Capricorn energy is thought to help push us forward with hope and determination
Negative Traits of a Capricorn:
It’s not all sunshine and rainbows over here in Capricorn land though. We are said to be so hardworking and driven to achieve our goals that we may neglect the ones we love.
What do I feel like this means? To mean this all sounds like the Capricorn “personality” is serious, goal minded, and no nonsense. It sounds like we are not as social in general. I read this as we are people who make it a top priority to set goals and are determined to achieve them; tunnel vision comes to mind. This sort of resonates with me. I feel like I am always setting goals. I’m not sure that I actually get tunnel vision, because I get tired of things easily and just quit them. I love learning things, and I feel like a lot of my “goals” are learning activities. For instance, I learned how to sew, but now that I know how, I rarely sit down and sew. In fact, both my machines are in storage bins in the closet. As a kid I learned how to cross stitch, and I never do that. I was in marching band in middle and high school and as cool as the experience was, I can’t read music (I never learned.) I like to master new skills, even if I never use them again once I’ve learned them.
I also feel like Capricorns are supposed to be these driven and very monetarily successful. It seems to me that Capricorns are supposed to be hard nosed, and ruthless business people. And I’m not sure this is me at all. I am not monetarily successful, I never have been. I don’t feel like I have a very strong confident personality. I’m more of a nervous chihuahua. I am afraid of hurting feelings, and offending people. I am bad about letting this affect my business. It often ends up with certain people taking advantage of me. And I know it’s happening in the moment, but I’m so timid I let people “run over” me and just keep my feelings to myself, even when I know I should stand up for myself.
I don’t feel like I strongly align with anything I have read about Capricorns. I just feel like I aspire to be those things, and I’m not actually the embodiment of them. I dream of being a successful business woman. So maybe these things just haven’t happened yet, or maybe they’re just not going to happen. I feel like the thing that I connect with the most is the goal setting behavior. I am always setting goals for myself. I set small and large goals all the time. I think everyone should. It gives you something to work for or a dream to chase. The other thing that I identify with is hope. I’m always trying to hope. It helps my mind stay positive. It is something that gets me through. So I guess I’m not a very good Capricorn.
What do you think? What is your sign? Do you identify or align with the traits of your sign? Let me know in the comments!