Just to lighten up the mood of things around here I thought I would just tell you guys some of my likes and dislikes, to help you get to know me a little better! I hope you see things that you like and maybe some new things to try! These are in no particular order.
Office supplies and stickers
True crime/GRWM (Get Ready With Me) YouTube Videos
Reading/The Libby App
Space (My salon is space/galaxy themed)
Taking Photos
Naps/Staying up late
Writing by hand
My new lawn chair and beach umbrella set up in my backyard. (Summer backyard perfection!)
10 Dislikes
No call/No shows (in my salon)
Being hot and sweaty
Talking on the phone (hang up and text me like a real person!)
Waking up early
Keeping records on my phone
Invisible/Mental Illness stigmas
Mom guilt
Executive disfunction
Let me know if you like or dislike some of these same things! Do you have suggestions on helping with some of these dislikes?
Stay safe, stay rad, and wash your DANG hands!