Let me tell you, I am ALWAYS one anxious mama! In fact, it’s a quality most everyone finds endearing. I am everyone’s nervous chihuahua friend. It’s just a silly little quirk about me! I worry about things. I worry about my kids, your kids, your mama, literally everything. I’m always that friend checking in with you about your mama, your kids, your dogs, everything. If I’m worrying about you, you know I love you!
I get nervous every year when school begins. I’m always anxious about what class my son will be in, his teacher, his friends, how the year will go, all the normal stuff. But this year there’s a freakin’ pandemic! I don’t know if you guys knew that or not, but there is an airborne virus runnin’ loose out here!
Sarcasm aside I’m terrified about this! My husband and I had originally planned on sending both kids to school this year. My son obviously has to go; first grade isn’t optional. But this is the first year that my daughter is old enough to go into the school’s 3 year old pre-k program. And originally we wanted them both to go, they need it! They obviously need their education but they also need the socialization that comes with going to school. I even recently registered my daughter for school.
Now, we live in rural west TN and the virus is here, but it’s spreading a little more slowly because our population is so spread out. My husband isn’t worried at all and I am overly terrified. I don’t know what to do. I’m not cut out to be a home school parent; my kids aren’t cut out to be home school students. And on top of this my children’s school is opening at a level 3 and I don’t like that one bit. I don’t like that masks are optional, I don’t like that they really aren’t doing anything different than their regular routine. I just plain don’t like it. That being said I don’t have a solution; but I’m not sure that anyone has a perfect solution.
I just feel like sending my kids into an environment where there is a high likelihood that another kid will cough unmasked directly into their eyeballs, isn’t a good idea. I don’t think it’s fair to the students or the teachers. I don’t think it’s fair to sacrifice our children and the teachers who love and care for them out of convenience. And I feel like that’s exactly what we are doing.
I don’t have any advice, any solutions, these are just my anxieties about sending my kids back to school. I’m sure I’m not the only mother who feels this way. I don’t know what to do. I’m just at a loss here.
Stay safe, stay rad, and wash your DANG hands!