I’m in my early 30s, so I thought I would share some things I’ve learned since turning 30. I have been really enjoying my 30s so far. I know this is a hard age for some people, and honestly I thought it would be for me too. But in my experience my 20s were harder for me, especially in feeling age looming overhead. I hope you find your 30s a super rad experience; you deserve it!
You Don’t Have To Settle.
My son woke me up the funniest way ever on my 32nd birthday. My husband had let me sleep in; it was my birthday, duh. So after a while, my son was excited to tell me “Happy Birthday,” and just couldn’t wait anymore. So my son came in and snuggled up next to me in bed. He woke me up by whispering “You’re 32, you’re 32, you’re 32…” in my ear over and over again until I woke up. It was so funny! It was a cute way to wake up and I’ll never forget it. My husband and I have had so many good laughs over this wake up. After a couple months with this “mantra” still on my mind, I finally decided to seek medical help for my widespread chronic body pain, mental health, and sleep disorder. I realized for the first time that “I’m 32! I don’t have to live my life this way! I don’t have to settle.” I’m a valid and valuable person, and I don’t have live a terrible pain-filled life. I don’t deserve to feel like a 180 year old woman at 32. I deserve to live the best life possible, and you do too! Don’t freaking let things that you feel are holding you back decide the path of your life. You don’t have to live your entire life in the “place” you’re in just because that’s where you are right now! If you’re “thing” isn’t pain, but something like education, career, or whatever, don’t let this idea of “it is what it is” or “this is my life now, oh well” control you for the rest of forever. I mean you deserve the happiness, the growth, and the life experiences of the journey. You are being “called” to this for a reason. You deserve joy! You DO NOT have to settle!
You Don’t Have To Ask Permission.
Along these lines you also don’t have to ask for anyone’s permission to move forward in your life. Humans are not meant to be stagnant beings. We are meant to grow. It took me until my 30s to realize, I’m my own person and an actual adult (as much as I wish I wasn’t sometimes! Ha!) It’s no one else’s job to tell me what to do. I realized other’s aren’t living my life. I am! If I want to progress in my journey and reach the most fulfillment, I can’t let what other’s opinions make my decisions for me. I have to do what I feel lead to do. This is the only way to fully enjoy the life you’re given! You have to be true to yourself, whatever that means for you. It’s such a weight off my shoulders to not feel like I have to consider the opinions of others, when I’m making decisions about where I want to go in life.
Happy You = Happy Family/Home.
This is the ultimate lesson, I’ve learned so far, I think. I realized that I had to take care of myself and make myself happy for me to be able to fully take care of my family like I want to. I really think this one encompasses the other two. I feel like it’s easier for me to take care of children, work from home (both my studio salon and reselling business), and curate my online presence/filming/editing videos, if I am feeling my best. And for me this includes taking care of my mental health, sleeping patterns, my physical health, and emotional health. When these things are taken care of, or even at least addressed I feel like I can not only do what I need to do in my daily life, but I also feel like I am able to tap into more creativity. And for me this is essential. I feel like I need an outlet for this creativity to feel really myself. And If any of the things in my life is out of wack, I can’t really tap into that. My kids also deserve a healthy and happy mom. They don’t deserve to have memories of mom being sick and in pain all day everyday. They don’t deserve to have memories of having to take care of their mother. They are children and they need a childhood that is as carefree as possible. I want their memories to be happy. Being a mom with chronic health issues is hard; and I have to assume that being a kid with a chronically “sick” mom isn’t much better. So this is my ultimate lesson, I suppose. Take care of yourself!
These are the 3 biggest lessons I’ve learned since beginning my journey through my 30s. I feel like everyone should take care of themselves, live their best lives, and grow along their journey. This has changed my life tremendously! I hope to continue to grow and change and learn new things. I want to embrace the joy that life has to give. I deserve to have happy memories of my life and I plan on doing everything I can to make sure that happens. So in this time of uncertain time of social distancing and global pandemic, I encourage you to take an evaluation of your current life and see how you feel about your current place in the world. Do you need to change direction, do you need more freedom, do you need to reflect inward and see what makes your soul happy? YOU DO YOU BABY GIRL! This is the perfect time to reflect and re-evaluate!
Are you in your 30s? Has this been your experience? Do you have any lessons you’ve learned or discovered about life? Please share them with me in the comments or shoot me an email : thriftlyfindsco@gmail.com