WAHOO! I’ve made it ya’ll! I got a hate comment on Instagram. Yeah I know, right! That’s how you know you’re making it in the world right? We all them them right? Probably not, but I got one none the less.
The post that I got the comment on was not one that I would have expected to get a negative comment on. It was just a picture of me and the kids with our masks on, leaving a doctor’s office. This guy commented some nonsense about how in his opinion it was stupid to wear masks, and it was stupid that I put masks on my children. Yeah I know, eye roll. Dude, why are you even here?
I don’t really understand why people comment negatively on other peoples things. It literally takes so much less effort to just keep scrolling. I could have addressed the comment and engaged in a fight with this strange man. I didn’t. I did look to see if I followed him or he followed me. We didn’t follow each other. So it’s safe to say the post either came up on his explore page or he was scrolling through one of the hashtags I used. So it seems to me that he was just looking for someone to say something negative to. I guess he needed to feel better about himself.
How do you handle when this happens to you? (If it happens to you, that is.) I just reported the comment for bullying. That removes the comment from your post. It also asks you if you want to block the user, so I did. I guess that’s how you’re supposed to deal with them properly. Or I guess I could have left it. But I feel like this is a “cheap” way to indirectly beg for engagement. I also feel like it’s a way to try to get others to come to your rescue. It just seems this is a way for you to spread their negativity. I’m not for that. I’ll just report and be done with it, I suppose! Just be nice people!
Stay safe, stay rad, and wash your DANG hands!